Football season has begun! Now, my Cowboys (and my recently adopted Houston Texans) don't have much of a chance for success this year, but that won't stop me from pining for the 'days of yore.' Of course, I could also cheer for my fellow 'Transplantees' - the Tennesse Titans née Houston Oilers - so it's not ALL bad (they might even make the playoffs this year), but regardless of the results, I'm still pretty excited.
In other news, my class 'season' officially begins tomorrow - with my first course beginning at 9am (ugh). I hope, with all the time in between classes that I have scheduled (during which I cannot leave campus - it takes so long to get home, there's no point) that I can get a lot of work done, school and otherwise. So you can look for some impromptu writing coming up here - as I'll most likely be spending a lot of time at one of the many libraries around campus (and they all have 'Net access).
Whew! Back to the game...
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