Thursday, October 16, 2003
Been A While...

Well, it's been a few weeks since I lasted posted here, and I suppose an explanation is in order. Basically, I've been a little busy with what is called 'Real Life' lately. My semester is going well - I enjoy both my classes and their professors. I haven't gotten any assignments back yet, but I've turned in two, and feel good about my prospects. I've also got a couple of quizzes and another essay due next week, so I don't know that I'll be blogging regularly until after that - perhaps not even then, as I've got something like 12,000 words to write over the next 2 weeks.

But I haven't given up on the site, or the idea behind it. I just haven't had a lot of time - or at least, time that I wasn't already spending on other activities that I consider higher on my priority list (spending time with friends, watching movies, writing poetry, and reading for recreation, to name a few).

So fear not, dear readers. I'll be around sporadically - but my commitment to this blog is solid. I'm planning on writing this thing for a long time.

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A webjournal of ideas, comments, and various other miscellany from a Texan university student (with occasional input from his family) living in Toronto, Ontario. Can you say "culture shock?"

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