Well, folks, I'm laughing my head off again! Apparently George Monbiot (who writes for that 'great' rag the Guardian - why am I not surprised?) thinks that the sole function of an airplane is to rain down death, and thus we shouldn't be celebrating the centennial anniversary of the Wright Brothers' flight today. (Note: the term 'moonbat' apparently comes from a manipulation of Monbiot's last name - again, not surprising).
For those of you interested in a rebuttle from the ever-hilarious Australian Tim Blair, it may be found here, with further commentary from Warren Smith of Wilbur's Blog located here.
Oh, and there's even more 'battiness'! The Daily Ablution examines the Guardian nut's take on oil.
[Wide range of HatTips to Iain and Kris Murray, Instapundit, and Tim Blair.]
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