Friday, December 19, 2003
Well, Color Me Corrected!

Well, folks, I have some wonderful news to report (from my own standpoint, at least): The Guardian's Nick Cohen has produced a critique of Noam Chomsky's latest book that recognizes exactly what the master manipulator is trying to do.

Noam Chomsky is the master of looking-glass politics. His writing exemplifies the ability of the Western Left to criticise everything from the West - except itself. He is immensely popular; but his popularity is mystifying on the first reading. His work is dense and filled with non sequiturs (here he seeks to use the Cuban missile crisis to explain the Iraq war, which is a little like using the first Moon landing to explain the dotcom boom). He claims to confront the comfortable with uncomfortable facts they don't want to face. Yet his audience is primarily a comfortable Western audience.

The appeal lies in the simple argument that underlies the convoluted prose. Capitalism, particularly American capitalism, is responsible for the world's problems, it runs. Resistance, however perverted, is inevitable. If the resistance is barbaric the barbarism is the fault of capitalism.
Bravo, Guardian, and may you prove me wrong again!
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