Tuesday, January 13, 2004
A New Blog

Every year (for the past four), I've gotten together with several friends and taken part in a Fantasy Baseball League. It's grown every year (we have twelve teams now), and last year we turned the group into a Keeper (one in which players are 'kept' by their owners for the next season). At the same time I began playing in a second Keeper league, this one with another group of friends in my parents' city. Both leagues are run online, with stats, message boards, and even dedicated websites for each.

The reason I bring this up is that this year, my friends from the Toronto league (Ghetto League Baseball) have decided to start up a blog for the discussion of all things related to either us or the sport. I've already written a post discussing the current state of the game, and my concerns about its future. If you're interested in that sort of thing, take a look (you might first want to read the post that triggered my little rant).

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A webjournal of ideas, comments, and various other miscellany from a Texan university student (with occasional input from his family) living in Toronto, Ontario. Can you say "culture shock?"

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