Thursday, April 08, 2004

Well, folks - aside from one last paper - that's it. I've pulled through the toughest week of the semester; and though I've had a few stumbles, I'm still in good shape where it counts.

I can't tell you how good it feels to be free...more free than I was yesterday, that is. Why can't I tell you? Because I don't know how it feels yet. It hasn't quite sunk in. But hey - now I can read all those books I've been meaning to get to! (Expect a review of Mystic River - both book and film - over at The Entertainment Center sometime soon).

No 'serious' blogging for me just yet - I'm going to take some time off, maybe come back after Easter Sunday to rattle off some more drivel. In the meantime, if you need a fix (I'm looking at you, Brian), head on over to Let It Bleed and take a gander. He's just as insightful as Trudeaupia and a bit more prolific. I added Mr. Tarantino to my BlogRoll (now powered by Bloglines, whom I highly recommend) a few weeks ago, but failed to alert anyone to the addition. Well, I'm telling you now - if you read Trudeaupia every day...or multiple times a day (even though he doesn't write more than once a day)...go see Let It Bleed.

Whew - bed time for Austin. It's about time I had a full night's sleep.

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