Thursday, May 27, 2004
Another Delay

Given that I'm doing a lot of school reading today (and the fact that my first in-class assignment is due), I don't have time to do long posts. Visit any of the links in my BlogRoll for further reading, or try out Master Of None - a blog I enjoy reading on occasion.

As far as personal news: I've had one workout so far this week (yesterday), and will have another tonight. My housemate Art and I went shopping for 'health food' (specifically) for the first time last night, so the diet and exercise thing is really hitting its stride. In school, I've got to finish my latest novel this afternoon, in preparation for tonight's written in-class response that's worth 5%. It's not that big a deal (the Prof just wants to get a taste of our writing and get us some feedback), but it's demanding the majority of my time today.

Ah, well - I'll talk to you again later!

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