Wednesday, May 26, 2004
The Gathering Storm

Hey folks!

Sorry I missed a post yesterday - things just got crazy. I didn't come to Toronto until yesterday morning (so no morning post), and by the time I arrived, unpacked, and got settled, I had to finish up my reading for my 6pm class (so no afternoon post). Then, as I was walking to the subway station to come home, I ran across one of my housemates from last year, and proceeded to engage in a multi-hour discussion touching on a wide variety of topics, and didn't get home until ~2am (so no evening post).

And today, there's just too much going on for a long point-by-point list. I've got to read more short stories for class tonight, coordinate a workout with my current housemate, and gather information for my upcoming response to my friend Brian and his attempts to explain why Bush shouldn't be re-elected. If you thought I was research-prone before...well, you ain't seen nothin' yet.

So, while I may come back this evening and give you a bit more, most likely the next time you hear from me will be tomorrow morning. See you then!

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A webjournal of ideas, comments, and various other miscellany from a Texan university student (with occasional input from his family) living in Toronto, Ontario. Can you say "culture shock?"

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