Friday, June 11, 2004
Orson Scott Card: Pundit?

Orson Scott Card, author of the Ender and Alvin Maker series of novels, expounds on bias:

In every case of bias I just cited, the writers would almost certainly be outraged at my accusation that they were doing anything other than reporting the facts as clearly and fairly as possible.

It doesn't occur to them that they are biased because they live in a box filled with people who share exactly the same bias.

But that's how we human beings create our working definition of "sanity" -- someone who shares the same world-view as his neighbors is "sane," and those who don't are crazy.

The Left-wing news media live in a tiny village of people who all think (or pretend to think) exactly alike. Therefore, to them any reporter or media outlet that rejects their premises must be insane or dishonest, and instead of seeking to refute them with actual evidence, they merely call them names and accuse them of venal motives.
For the record, Card considers himself a Democrat:
I used to call myself a "Moynihan Democrat."

But now that he's dead, I'm reduced to calling myself a "Tony Blair Democrat."
Or perhaps a "Zell Miller Democrat?" For more political musings from Card, check out Or, if politics isn't your thing, you can pay a visit to But if politics doesn't interest you, then why are you here?
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