Sunday, September 26, 2004
A Setback

A bit of bad news today from the "newspaper freelance" front. Got word from the inside that the editors aren't exactly looking to widen their field of published freelancers at the moment. In fact, they're trying to cut some costs. And this adds up to? Not a good time to be a new freelancer pitching a new idea. At least, not to the local paper.

So I've got these six columns that I'm still polishing. What to do with them? Rework it a bit and submit to another paper? Say, like the National Post? Perhaps - it's certainly an option. But my contact at the local paper has not completely removed my hope of publication. So we'll see. In the meantime, it's time to begin my 'real job' search in earnest.

And it's way past time to do some recreational writing, for crying out loud!

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