Saturday, November 20, 2004
Busy Week

Whew! Sorry for the sparse week, folks. I've been a bit busy. Writing for NaNoWriMo had to compete with efforts to get my Spectator article published (I'm going to have to resubmit it to a fourth editor, and possibly retool it for another paper...but one thing at a time), and that all had to be crammed into the week of my parents' anniversary (their 28th). I was responsible for seeing to all the familial duties my mother so wonderfully executes, including transportation of my sibilings all over town, as my parents were spending the week away.

Next week promises to be a bit more relaxed, and may afford a few more posts. If you're hard-up for news, take a look at my BlogRoll, especially new addition Jujitsui Generis and the ever-insightfulBelmont Club. Of course, you can always look for more information from the usual source.

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A webjournal of ideas, comments, and various other miscellany from a Texan university student (with occasional input from his family) living in Toronto, Ontario. Can you say "culture shock?"

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