Saturday, November 06, 2004
Toronto BlogFest

Well, that was awesome!

Met up with a whole bunch of fellow bloggers in TO last night, including (but not limited to): Anthony, Ben, Bob, Brian, Chris, Damian (the OTHER one), Debbye (fellow transplanted American!), Greg, Kathy, Mike Brock, Michael K, Nick Packwood, Nicholas (who has pictures of the event), Rick McG, and a few others whom I either didn't meet beyond a brief handshake or (gulp!) didn't hear which blog they wrote. (If I missed you, I apologize: send me a note and I'll add you to the list!)

But it was a great time - food, beer (soda, in my case), and great conversation. It's really an awesome experience to have so much in common with people you've never met before, and to know that going into the situation. We all were able to immediately engage each other in comfortable conversation, and had several lively back-and-forths throughout the night. I'm definitely looking forward to doing this again when the (first?) (big?) Newfoundland Damian comes to town in February.

(Side Notes: I'll try not to disappoint you in your daily rounds again, Damian. Debbye, just remember, there are more of us out here than you think. Greg and Brian, I look forward to continuing conversation in February! I'll try and have more information up on my soon-to-be-published article soon...assuming I can wrangle it out of the editors at the Spec. And thanks to everyone for their warm comments about my blog/writing - it means a lot. See you all in February!)

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